
Do you know the luckiest ring for humans ? How to use your rings to get power ?

The rings make us healthy

Lord of rings I think one of the most-watched movies in the world is Lord of The Rings. In this movie, there will be a fight for the rings which has the power I think Impossibly right. But no one is yet to watch the Cord of The rings. The beautiful rings are present in all the vertebrates. I think you caught my point or else I renounce you It's your spinal cord "The Cord Of Kings"Some are serious about playing cards. But many are playing in Spinal Cords.No one yet underestimates your single body parts, every organ is so sincere in continuing their work even when they are tired. Even after the death of humans, they continue. Except one who owns these organs does not do any work it's none other than its "Us".Spinal Cord has a painstaking 31 rings. If you lose any one of these rings your life will be miserable. So try to understand the power of these rings. You know neuron network I think. It's simple it connects all your senses to your brain through your spinal cord. Within a microsecond, every detail will be transmitted to your brain. I think the fastest network in the world. They are generally classified into cervical, thorax, lumbar, sacrum, coccyx. They are the parts of the rings from top to down. But many of them in the world suffer from lumbar pain. Mostly the weight lifters, heavy work doers. If they do not properly take care then it may paralyze your both legs. So always be careful while lifting weights or doing heavy works. The simple bulge in lumba can take years to recover. Okay now I get into my point the spinal cords are arranged in a sequence which no one can recreate. That's the beauty of nature. Producing the impossibles. The simple way to recover all your health is to sit straight. yeah, the most simple way which changes your life. 

Why should you sit straight? 
I want to say about the diaphragm which separates your lungs from your digestive system It makes difference between your stomach and lungs. Their possible movement is just straightening and curving. You can find them by keeping your hands below your ribcage. Once you sit straight the respiratory system, digestive system, reproductive system, the functioning of your brain and most importantly your confidence will be improved drastically. But it does not happen in one it takes time Once you start doing it you can find the difference. Now we can see how can we sit straight. This is natural for all animals to maintain their posture. But for human beings, it's a great challenge. Because we are being practiced too many unnatural things or artificial things like mobile phones, computers, etc. But you should improve your posture it takes time to practice. First, start with testing your capacity for how many minutes you can sit in a proper position. On average human beings, nearly only 10 to 30 percent maintain their posture. The remaining have forgotten their postures and creating their own sitting posture. 

But this causes many problems like digestion problems, breathing problems, neck pain, and many but the simple thing is to sit straight. This makes your oxygen intake good, makes your digestion properly, when you all do this you will be brisk. We should first keep ourselves strong. So how to make us sit straight first we keep it in mind until it enters our subconscious. yeah, it near takes months but once you start doing you keep going. First, just start for five minutes on the first day at least sit for 5 minutes. Be conscious for 5 minutes  I will be sitting straight. Then continue for a week. From next week make it 10 then 20 then 40 then 60 then 120 then 240 In one day if you sit for 4 hours then your subconscious catches it then you can stay straight and healthier. It just takes 5 minutes. then 10 or you can try one day 5 minutes to sit straight. 12 hours 5 minutes sit straight hours 10 minutes and 3 hours 20 minutes finally one hour 30 minutes. There are many methodologies but the only way is to help out yourself to become healthier.

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